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本文摘要:Steve LaValle, the former chief scientist for Oculus, has confirmed that he will join Huawei as the chief scientist of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed reality - VR/AR/MR - in charge of global research and product development.前Oculus首席科学家史蒂夫·拉瓦纳日前证实,他将重新加入华为,兼任VR/AR/MR首席科学家,全面负责管理华为在这些领域的全球研究和产品发展工作。
Steve LaValle, the former chief scientist for Oculus, has confirmed that he will join Huawei as the chief scientist of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed reality - VR/AR/MR - in charge of global research and product development.前Oculus首席科学家史蒂夫·拉瓦纳日前证实,他将重新加入华为,兼任VR/AR/MR首席科学家,全面负责管理华为在这些领域的全球研究和产品发展工作。Chinas Huawei, a leading telecom equipment maker based in Shenzhen, is now expanding into the VR/AR markets.华为是中国一家领先的电信设备制造商,总部设于深圳,现在正在扩展到VR/AR市场。Oculus, a famous VR equipment maker, was acquired by Facebook in 2014.Oculus则是一家知名的VR设备制造商,于2014年被Facebook并购。
Steve LaValle started working with Oculus VR in September 2012, and was chief scientist of Oculus till January 2015.史蒂夫·拉瓦勒于2012年9月开始与Oculus VR合作,直到2015年1月他仍然兼任Oculus的首席科学家。LaValle said Huawei is a global business company, and Chinas VR/AR market is burgeoning.拉瓦纳回应,华为是一家全球性的商业公司,而中国的VR/AR市场也在蓬勃发展。
Huawei Technologies said it expects to record a 32 percent jump in revenue for 2016, thanks to a strong performance across its business platforms.华为技术公司于日前回应,由于其业务平台的强大展现出,预计2016年的收益将快速增长32%。Huaweis rotating chief executive Xu Zhijun forecasts their revenue will reach some 75 billion US dollars in 2016 and will become an even stronger rival to Apple.据华为继续执行副总裁徐直军预测,2016年,该公司的总收入将超过大约750亿美元,并将沦为苹果公司更加强劲的竞争对手。
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